There are to things that are hard.  T

he first is mapping the output columns to the result object.  This is
complicated by the fact that a cmp field can map to more then one column.
You will have to add error handling to assure that all of the properties of
a field are loaded.  I don't think my helper methods will work because they
assume a certain order to the columns (the helpers create both the queries
and the load the results).

The second one is somewhat related. Since a field (really an object type /
class) maps to more then one column you will have an issue with query input
parameters. I suggest something like ?1.prop.prop (more like ejb-ql) or
{1.prop.prop} (I like this one, more like old jaws style, easier to parse).
I was going to write some helpers to extract properties based on a doted
structure, but haven't gotten to it yet.

So given that there are 48-60 hours in a weekend it is doable, but I would
shoot for 2 weekends. One to get the results half and the other for


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dave Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 3:57 PM
> Subject: [JBoss-dev] Raw-sql
> I am trying to use the raw-sql feature of jbosscmp-jdbc.xml. 
> Now as far 
> as I can see it looks like it is not implemented. The 
> JDBCRawSqlQueryMetaData does not store the query in the .xml 
> file only 
> the method. The JDBCFindEntitiesCommand only checks for 
> JDBCDeclaredQueryMetaData,,JDBCQlQueryMetaData types as known finders.
> I am assuming that you would specify raw-sql and then pass in the sql 
> command you with to execute as the only argument to the finder method.
> It does not look that hard to add, extend  JDBCFinderCommand, add an 
> entry in JDBCFindEntitiesCommand and a Factory method in 
> JDBCCommandFactory. I could do it this weekend or am I way 
> off base here?
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