On Wed, 14 Nov 2001, Scott M Stark wrote:

> Yes, this change has been in since the start of 2.4, and people have
> complained about CacheKey showing up as a bottleneck since its
> release. It started showing up even more dramtically in the pending
> 2.4.4 codebase due to some other change that is banging on its
> ctor.

.. you're talking about a 2.4.4 ..

I sent in a patch some weeks ago, that fixed a bug in jaws regarding 
cmpfields of type byte[]. The problem was, that jaws tried to deserialize 
an object, because the jdbcType was considered to be a binary type.

        if( bytes == null ) {
            result = null;
        } else {
           // We should really reuse these guys

should be:

        if( bytes == null ) {
            result = null;
        } else if (destination.getName().equals("[B")) {
            return bytes;
        } else {
           // We should really reuse these guys

I just noticed, that it still has not been applied.



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