marc fleury wrote:

> The model for the book and documentation is that we are going to only
> support the professional documentation.
> Free documentation is just too hard, the guys who write it usually do it and
> leave, it comes under heavy criticism still today (see
> thread) and generally has been a pain. I have had enough of it.
> We are going to a model where you pay for the documentation, the free doco
> is just going to die. I don't think I will even distribute it any more.

OK. I see. I wasn't aware of this - I've been converting the FAQ to 
docbook to go along with the manual and attempting to extend its 
coverage, but it seems this will be a bit of a pointless exercise if the 
  online docmumentation is to be scrapped. I thought the documentation 
trees had just been branched recently with a view to providing separate 
docs for 2 and 3?

> This is a simple way to make some money FOR THE DEVELOPERS OF THE FEATURES
> and grow professionally.

Don't you think it is also in the interest of the developers to maintain 
a few FAQs to keep people off their backs too. I think it was Dain who 
asked whether there was a FAQ a while back because he was getting fed up 
   with people posting questions about EJB 2.0 CMP.

> If the guys reading the statement are too cheap to shell out $10 for the
> documentation I am really not going to worry about them, I am not very
> concerned about them.  In fact I want them gone,

That's fair enough - if people want to use JBoss seriously then they 
should be prepared to do this. But for someone who's having a look for 
the first time, to see what it is and how it works, the first thing 
they're going to look for is some documentation, howtos etc. Either that 
or they'll start posting unnecessarily in the forums. Perhaps the scope 
of the online stuff should be cut down but you should keep the basic 
howto's on getting started, setting up datasources and so on.


  Luke Taylor.                                  Monkey Machine Ltd.
  PGP Key ID: 0x57E9523C              

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