Marc, init/destroy are never called on a ServiceMBean. (At least they
aren't called on mine)

So uncommenting them does nothing.

I assume they were commented out when David J made the change from two
stage init/destroy to 1 stage.  (Which, BTW, broke every serivce I had written 
previously since I used start/stop to pause/unpause, and init/destroy to
create/destroy expensive resources.  But, that's a different thread)

On Fri, 07 Dec 2001, marc fleury wrote:

> Revision 1.5 / (download) / (as text) - annotate - [select for diffs] , Mon Nov 12 
>06:52:17 2001 UTC (3 weeks, 4 days ago) by d_jencks
> Branch: MAIN
> CVS Tags: Rel_2_4_4_15
> Changes since 1.4: +15 -15 lines
> Diff to previous 1.4
> Changes to move toward eliminating init and destroy from Service interface, and make 
>J2eeDeployer use mbean-refs. (2nd try at committing - is cvs acting weird?
> ?:|, David, I am not up for a 50 mail thread on that one but I think it was an 
>oversight, I will uncomment, write if you want to discuss so we have something to 
>fight over during the weekend
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