Title: Re: [JBoss-user] where is CMP2.0 documentation?
Check the archives. There has been discussion on this in the past.

Bottom line, software is free, documentation is cheap, everyone should be happy. As I understand it there will be a quickstart doc for free and then additional docs  you buy. This also ensures that docs are up to date and well-written, unlike so many other Open Source projects.

$10 for a 400 page book for a free world class application server is still so cheap it is ridiculous. If the time you would save studying the source code is not worth $10, feel free to dive in and read the well documented source rather than buying the docs.

From: "Hicks, James" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2001 19:57:22 -0500
Subject: RE: [JBoss-user] where is CMP2.0 documentation?

Why is the JBoss Group charging for documentation?  An opensource project should have freely available documentation.  How can a project survive if nobody knows how to set it up?

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