I'm sure you're about to get flamed out of existence but I'll add my $0.02.

Regarding the Web container, Jboss3 already has Jetty support so I don't
really know what you are talking about. I would assume that when the final
release comes out there will be Tomcat integration as well... The Jetty
integration works very well, even in this alpha state. Hell, we've got a
live site using it now!

As far as rewriting the container, I think what you'll hear from the main
developers is that while there are some significant changes, most of the
code in JBoss3 is the same as in Jboss2. So again, what are you talking

Since I don't think you're actually comparing source trees, and from the Web
container comment it doesn't seem like you've actually tried the product,
what are you trying to prove?

Jboss can run Web sites (and tons of other apps). It does. Your argument is
not well researched and not grounded in reality. Prepare for the flames.


> From: John Woo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Fri, 28 Dec 2001 14:30:01 -0800 (PST)
> Subject: [JBoss-dev] What the point?
> I read the description on your web site, and get very
> excited about the product. But when I try and use the
> JBoss 3.0 alpha, I am wondering why you not spend any
> time on the web container? J2EE container without a
> servlet engine is like a book without writing.
> Also, you guy seem to reinvent entire product every
> version. Every version is big description about how
> powerful and wonderful this is. Then next version, all
> that thrown out and you rewrite every thing. Now you
> have code that work differently than every thing in
> the documentation.
> To end user, this thing seem like a thesis project and
> not code that can host a real web site. Maybe if you
> spend time talking to possible users and writing
> documentation and less time bragging about yourselves
> on your web site and writing academic code your
> project would get more attention from real users.

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