Ok, what i was looking for to hear about was the ability to support different databases
auto-generated columns. I see the problem with it, just wanted to check if anyone had
give it a try for some of the most popular databases...

Guess i will wait for JDBC 3.0 :)

Den 2002-01-11 19:23:44 skrev Dain Sundstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>Here is the scoop.
>Last I checked Oleg was working on this for EJB 2.0, but I have trouble
>contacting him (our email servers don't like each other). 
>The way it will be implemented is with a lookup in JNDI that returns an
>object that implements some yet to be defined AutoNumber interface.  I think
>the initial revision uses a sequence table.
>I don't think we will be able to support auto-generated columns, as this
>requires special sql in the insert statement or special handling of the
>prepared statement object.  When we start seeing JDBC 3.0 drivers, which
>support auto-generated columns, we will be able to add generic support.
>To make a long story short,  it should be in JBoss 3.0 final.

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