I think jboss-dev is the most appropriate forum for this discussion. 
I will follow up with an answer to Adrian here.

Regards, Ceki

>List-Id: "Log4J Developers List" <>
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>From: "Adrian Brock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: The penny drops - JBoss Repository Selector
>Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002 16:56:02 +0000
>X-OriginalArrivalTime: 17 Jan 2002 16:56:03.0039 (UTC) FILETIME=[D8CE06F0:01C19F77]
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>Hi Ceki,
>I'm trying to reduce the length of my posts, this one will probably
>break that rule :-(
>Re: Repositories
>I'll try explaining this from the beginning. We basically agree
>but I'm not getting my point across about multiple repositories.
>Maybe I'm missing one of your points as well? :-)
>First, here is what JBoss does at the moment.
>Nearly the first thing that happens is to deploy an MBean called
>Log4JService. This has the task of locating the property file
>and sets up the configureAndWatch.
>So we have one hierarchy for all logging.
>The problem we are trying to solve is what happens when something
>doesn't like the JBoss configuration and tries to reconfigure log4j.
>A related issue (not the original problem raised on log4j-user) is that
>a user wants to take a component that already does logging and put it in
>its own hierarchy/configuration.
>There are two types of deployment within JBoss.
>1) A service, such as embedded Tomcat.
>These could provide an internal mechanism for configuring log4j, it
>maybe useful for them to run in a different hierarchy.
>2) An application. This is the original problem. The application wants
>to have a completely separate hierarchy and configuration to JBoss.
>The easy solution is every time I see a new ClassLoader in the
>RepositorySelector, create a new LoggerRepository.
>The configuration will either be specified at deployment or I
>use a fallback configuration.
>When something tries to reconfigure log4j it will be playing in its own
>backyard so problem solved. :-)
>But there are 50+ services in the default configuration of JBoss.
>Probably only the Web Server may want to reconfigure. The rest just
>want to use the JBoss hierarchy and configuration. I would like
>to let them share the same repository rather than creating 50
>watchdog threads.
>Now the extra complication I introduced.
>The deployer may want all their applications running in the
>repository/hierarchy, but not the JBoss one.
>Again it would be wasteful to create a repository for each application when they are 
>all sharing.
>I am not saying this is what will happen. As you said each applcation
>may want to specify its own In this case, they
>each get a repository.
>Am I on the right track, have I over complicated this?
>Maybe I'm concentrating too much on the 5% instead of the 95%?
>I'll pickup the how to specify the url/configurator problem once I've nailed the 
>RepositorySelector. I know what the configuration is, it's
>just where to put it. JBoss.xml is one idea but that don't exist for
>for pure web-apps :-(
>Unrelated point: I spotted this in log4j-1.2alpha6 javadocs
>org.apache.log4j.varia.PriorityMatchFilter is deprecated to itself, recursive 
>deprecation :-)

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