Jung , Dr. Christoph wrote:

> Experimenting with an unauthenticatedPrincipal "nobody" in the 
> loginmodule instead of a NONE-role also did not work, because Jetty then 
> refuses


I'm not an expert on this web stuff (or anything for that matter :), but 
I take it the "NONE" role means  "don't let anyone access this". Is that 
correct? Is this a jetty specific thing 'cos I wasn't aware of its 
existence? I've only seen "NONE" used as an option for the 
"transport-guarantee" tag.

If you want to let authenticated users with any role (as understood by 
the axis webapp) access the service (and perform access control later), 
then maybe you could try


which *should* do this...

Or am I way off the mark?

I would say that I haven't been able to get some security stuff working 
with JBoss/Jetty that has worked fine with Tomcat. I understand the 
security in Jetty is a relatively recent addition and there've been one 
or two hiccups, so it could be a problem with Jetty.

Can you deploy the same stuff in another container, or is it tied to 
JBoss 3?


  Luke Taylor.                                  Monkey Machine Ltd.
  PGP Key ID: 0x57E9523C                        http://www.mkeym.com

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