Don't worry, I already set it to TIMESTAMP.

I am a little put off by Adam changing the default database mapping in 
his deb package.  It is his choice to do this, but I will recommend to 
everyone that they don't use the deb package for this reason.


David Budworth wrote:

> The problem here is that java.util.Date holds an actualy time/date.
> If you don't map it to TIMESTAMP, then you have a dataloss.
> If you want a real SQL DATE field, then use java.sql.Date (which is
> a java.util.Date with the time suppressed)
> I think it would be bad policy to make the default data storage
> mechanism lose data upon storage.  Think about:
> Date d = new Date();
> ejb = Home.create(d);
> if (ejb.getDate().equals(d))// this is true
>    doSomething();
> else
>    doSomethingElse();
> ejb = Home.find(PKOFEJB);
> if (ejb.getDate().equals(d))// no longer true since you dropped time
>    doSomething();
> else
>    doSomethingElse();
> So you would, in effect, be breaking application logic.  
> The user would expect both .equals() to be true.
> Or does PostgreSQL DATE/TIMESTAMP exactly the same?  I know oracle will
> drop the time portion if the column type is DATE.
> -David
> On Tue, 12 Feb 2002, Adam Heath wrote:
>>On Tue, 12 Feb 2002, Dain Sundstrom wrote:
>>>This is for anyone who knows Postgres out there,
>>>There is a patch at sf that suggest adding the following mapping:
>>>   <java-type>java.util.Date</java-type>
>>>   <jdbc-type>TIMESTAMP</jdbc-type>
>>>   <sql-type>TIMESTAMP</sql-type>
>>>There is currently no mapping for java.util.Date, but there is a mapping
>>>for java.sql.Date, which is:
>>>    <java-type>java.sql.Date</java-type>
>>>    <jdbc-type>DATE</jdbc-type>
>>>    <sql-type>DATE</sql-type>
>>I prefer the latter.  My reasoning, is that if java.util.Date is mapped to
>>TIMESTAMP, then how does someone make a DATE in the database?
>>They could use java.sql.Timestamp to accomplish that.
>>This is what I have done for my debian packages.
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