
It would seem the best qualified to answer would be on the jmx-forum list.

However, if you want an opinion, the quickest answer I can contrive is for
application partitioning, especially when assembling an
application/subsystem management view using MBeans from multiple vendors.

One thing to bear in mind is that, ok I know this is going to sound really
obvious, JMX is an api whose intent is to allow you to expose things for

Personally, I think your question stems from the knowledge that JBoss
could not survive without the MBeanServer.  I recently explained to a
colleage my opinion that EJB (and perhaps most of J2EE) is nothing more
than a great big third party binding see

In JBoss the intercomponent bus for the binding is JMX.

That's a far cry from "and here's how your application can be managed by
ZippyConsole version2.0".

Change your frame of reference and perhaps the question will answer


On 14 Feb 2002, Jason Dillon wrote:

> Can some one explain to me why anyone would want to do this?  I assume
> there is a reason for is since the jmx api folks put it there... but I
> just don't understand why.
> Can some body drop some knowledge on this?
> --jason
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