Virtual host support has been in Jetty from the day dot.
It is simply that there is no J2ee standard deployment mechanism for
them in JBoss.

You are correct that the web-jetty.xml file can be used to setup a
virtual host for a webapplication.  Something like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE Configure PUBLIC "-//Mort Bay Consulting//DTD Configure 1.1//EN"
<Configure class="org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.WebApplicationContext">

<Call name="registerHost"><Arg>YourVirtualHostName</Arg></Call>


Marius Kotsbak wrote:
> I see that Virtual Host support is mentioned in the TODO-file in
> jboss/jetty plugin. Does that mean that it isn't possible yet to set up
> virtual hosts that each war should be bound to?
> Is it possible to do this with WEB-INF/web-jetty.xml? I think this would
> be best to specify in jboss-web.xml since it is common among different
> web containers, together with the context root.
> Does anyone know when this will be implemented?
> Thanks
> Marius

Greg Wilkins<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>          GB  Phone: +44-(0)7092063462
Mort Bay Consulting Australia and UK.    Mbl Phone: +61-(0)4 17786631                   AU  Phone: +61-(0)2 98107029

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