There is a problem with the use of ThreadLocals to record Authentication
when the client (in this case Jetty) is using ThreadPools.

I have previously mentioned this, but now I have confirmation that it is
a problem for a Client.

He created a small thread pool for the listener (4 threads), then
used 4 browsers to hit authenticated pages and authenticated
with a different user for each browser.

The effect of this was for the JBoss authentication mechanism to
create ThreadLocal authentications for each of these threads.

He then got new browsers and started hitting unauthenticated
pages that reported the request and EJB auth details.   These
new requests receive random EJB authentication depending on
which thread from the thread pool they are allocated:

  >>23:33:25,434 INFO  [Default] request.getUserPrincipal=null;
  >>23:33:25,464 INFO  [Default] request.getUserPrincipal=null;
  >>23:33:38,333 INFO  [Default] request.getUserPrincipal=null;
  >>23:33:38,373 INFO  [Default] request.getUserPrincipal=null;
  >>23:34:46,341 INFO  [Default] request.getUserPrincipal=null;
  >>23:34:46,371 INFO  [Default] request.getUserPrincipal=null;
  >>23:34:57,186 INFO  [Default] request.getUserPrincipal=null;
  >>23:34:57,236 INFO  [Default] request.getUserPrincipal=null;

We need a mechanism to unauthenticate Threads, so the Jetty can
call this after each request.

Note that it is not an option to get rid of the ThreadPool as that
would be a HUGE performance hit.


Greg Wilkins<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>          GB  Phone: +44-(0)7092063462
Mort Bay Consulting Australia and UK.    Mbl Phone: +61-(0)4 17786631                   AU  Phone: +61-(0)2 98107029

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