Am Son, 2002-03-03 um 12.09 schrieb Juha Lindfors:
> The spec already defines an export policy descriptor that should be used to bind a 
>handle of the MBean to JNDI. If an MBean has objects it controls and wants them to be 
>bound to JNDI then it should do this by itself or delegate the task to some other 
>component that controls the naming service.
> Controlling MBean behaviour based on object name seems like a bad idea to me.
this is exactly what i need for the binding of native libraries to a
mbean context, you may have one lib, i.e. loaded by one classloader
let's say /usr/lib/ and another classloader with the
/home/jboss/lib/ loaded; but one cannot have the particular lib
loaded twice jvm wide - this will throw a unsatified link. what we need
here is to have a jndi entry for the full qualified filename of the lib
 - so other mbeans are able to decide if they go with this or load it
from her own location.

i would prefer a nem=valuepair which is configurable via service

am i wrong?


> -- Juha
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