
the Jetty JSP classpath stuff appears to be broken, for several reasons:

* to form the path, "file:" is stripped off the front of all URLs
    returned from the AbstractWebContainer getCompileClasspath().
    On windows, you could wind up with the incorrect path /c:/blah.

* to do the stripping, it is acuatally "file:".length() chars
    which get stripped from the front of each URL. That won't work
    when the url is njar:file:/blah/blah/blah, as is unfortunately
    the case with njar:file:......jetty-plugin.sar^/org.mortbay.jetty.jar

I am surmising that this problem has cropped up because Jetty now
gets handed a URLClassloader instead of an MBeanClassloader.

In any case, is this one of the things that you are currently fixing, or 
do you want me to go ahead and fix it before you commit your changes, as 
I'm hanging out to commit the new Jetty version?


>>Hi Jules,
>>I'm trying to update the version of Jetty, but everything seems broken
>>with JBoss/Jetty. I can't run the web integration tests nor deploy a
>>simple war file with a JSP in it.
>>I see from the list that you said you are working on the integration
>>stuff, so can you please tell me what you're working on, so I know what
>>to concentrate on to get this update in???!
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