Bugs item #531090, was opened at 2002-03-17 14:45
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Category: JBossCMP
Group: v3.0 Rabbit Hole
>Status: Closed
>Resolution: Invalid
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Jürgen Zeller (zetzet)
>Assigned to: Dain Sundstrom (dsundstrom)
Summary: entity returned by custom finder fails

Initial Comment:
I wrote a custom finder:
    public Collection ejbFindByPrimaryKeys(Collection 
pKeys) throws FinderException
        Collection beans= new ArrayList(pKeys.size());
        e1Home     home = (e1Home) 

        for (Iterator i= pKeys.iterator(); i.hasNext
(); )
            Integer key= (Integer)i.next();
            e1 bean= home.findByPrimaryKey(key);

        return beans;

The finder works, and returns the right beans
in the collection.

As soon any getter of a bean is accessed, the
getter fails with an SQLException:

2002-03-17 18:17:16,655 DEBUG 
1EJB] Executing SQL: SELECT b FROM TAB1 WHERE (a=?)
2002-03-17 18:17:16,655 TRACE 
idge.e1EJB.a] Set parameter: index=1, 
jdbcType=INTEGER, value=e1EJB:10000100
2002-03-17 18:17:16,685 ERROR 
TransactionRolledbackException, causedBy:
java.sql.SQLException: ERROR:  parser: parse error at 
or near ":"

The reason is somehow related to 
JDBCLoadEntityCommand, line 87
      ReadAheadCache.EntityReadAheadInfo info = 

ctx.getId() returns the bean object, but is
handeled as PK object afterwards

JBoss 3.0.0b2 CVS 2002-03-17 HEAD


>Comment By: Dain Sundstrom (dsundstrom)
Date: 2002-03-17 14:58

Logged In: YES 

Custom finders need to return a collection of primary key 
objects.  You are returning actual entity beans.

All you need to do is return the pKeys collection that is 
passed in.


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