On Thu, 21 Mar 2002, marc fleury wrote:

> |But we don't have an "abstract" EJB/ProxyFactory...
> my point is that we could... at least for the java client parts

Yes, I understand you clearly today.

> |The EJB/JRMP/ProxyFactory does not care about the IIOP invoker.
> |And the EJB/IIOP/ProxyFactory does not care about the JRMP invoker.
> |
> |See what I mean?
> yes in the case of C clients where you generate (whatever it is that you
> generate) but for Java clients, we can abstract that Invoker away .

Right. Now I recall that your ProxyFactory works with any wire 
prococol, as long as there is a Java client at the other side. 
( Quite impressive piece of software, BTW! )

Anyway, we still need to support wire protocols that do not 
presume an all-Java world. Not only for the sake of IIOP and 
the Sun certification stuff. SOAP/JBoss.net raises the very 
same issues.



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