Yeah, but this happened to me yesterday on MacOS X, not SMP...

Also, it seems to have recently cropped up, since I've been developing on
this box for over a year and this has never happened to me before...


> From: Nick Ganju <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2002 15:23:29 -0500
> Subject: Re: RE: [JBoss-dev] Memory Hog
> I had a similar problem when I was running Jboss on a linux box.  It would run
> fine for a while, then it would explode, taking all the RAM on the machine in
> a matter of a few minutes.  I ran "top" and watched all 1024 MB of memory get
> eaten up, until the thing finally crashed.
> The interesting thing was that I created a servlet that printed out
> Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() and hit this servlet when the JVM had eaten
> about 500 MB of RAM.  The servlet responded (very slowly) and told me the
> total memory was 50 MB.  So there is a leak inside the JVM code; it's not the
> jboss code that is causing the leak.
> This bug happened on all the linux boxes I have, so it shouldn't be too hard
> to reproduce.  I think it might have something to do with SMP, because I
> couldn't get it to happen on the one single-processor linux box I have.  I
> switched from the Sun JVM to the IBM JVM and it fixed the problem.  Obviously
> a bug in the Sun JVM.

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