Sacha Labourey wrote:
> Hello Jules,
>>I have recently been thinking a bit about my next iteration on 
>>distributable HttpSessions for JBoss/Jetty.
> BTW, does it work?!? I haven't heard you anymore since your last troubles.

I have still not been able to get two JBoss instances to recognise each 
other - but then I haven't tried very hard.

My job finishes on th 26th, the baby is due on the 27th. I'm having a 
few days off, then I will be rereading all this mail and sorting out my 

Until then,


>>My reading of the spec is that it avoids all of these issues by only 
>>ever allowing one copy of a session to be active at one time i.e. it 
>>talks about migrating sessions from one server to another - but not (as 
>>I recall) replicating them.
> This is what we tend to have: only one session is active at a time. (minus side 
> BTW, I think that, not only for HttpSession but for JMS, one important service is 
>missing from the HA framework: some kind of distributed locking mechanism (i.e. the 
>way to say "this belongs to me"). It wasn't needed until now but the distributed 
>cache/httpsession/queues/... will heavily rely on this, I am pretty sure.
>>I see the following problems with replication :
>>1. create/modify/destroy session events
>>If a session is created/modified/removed on NodeA, should listeners 
>>attached to a replicant (or the replicant's context) be notified 
>>on NodeB ?
> Currently, the session is removed from the cache from NodeB. The question is: Why 
>would you have two session active at a time? (I know: multi-frames). If we have n 
>frames that read and 1 frame that write (which is the case in most cases IMHO), it is 
>ok. But I agree: without a load-balancer supporting sticky session, we can have some 
>strange behaviour.
> But iMHO, we have to find a mean between performance and "correctness" in this case. 
>If you want to be sure that only one session is active at a time and this, without a 
>sticky session LB, then it means distributed locking, no other choice.
>>If so, we open another nasty can of worms, since we need to guarantee 
>>the order in which modifications arrive at NodeB from other Nodes in the 
> That's the issue: non sticky-session LB.
>       Sticky => performance
>       non-Sticky => distributed locking => bad performance
> I wanted to implement the locking service for a further release of JBoss.
>>Furthermore, code that manages distributed resources via these 
>>notifications, and work in the webapp in non-distributed mode, may 
>>break. e.g. code that allocates/deallocates a distributed resource on 
>>session creation/destruction will have to reference count 
>>creation/destruction so that the resource is allocated/deallocated at 
>>the correct times. Even then, if a node goes down, serious problems 
>>arise - the system begins to look very fragile.
> I know not enough on the servlet side to have a critical eye on this, so I trust you 
>>If not, then we assume that all resources being managed by these 
>>listeners are distributed and not local, since notifications involving 
>>different parts of their lifecycle may arrive on different nodes in the 
> distributed? no: performance would be dead.
>>2. activation/passivation/distribution
>>The spec requires notification of the relevant listeners on the 
>>activation/passivation of a session. Ignoring the problem in (1) another 
>>issue still remains. Does the distribution of a session constitute a 
>>passivation/activation cycle ?
>>Let's say we start a new nodeB and deploy a webapp on it. This webapp is 
>>already running on another nodeA. A request for this webapp somehow 
>>arrives at nodeB. Does nodeB notify activation listeners ? If so, then 
>>for the sake of symmetry, nodeA should have notified passivation 
>>listeners. Pursuing this to it's logical conclusion, every 'snapshot' 
>>and distribution of a session might need to notify first passivation 
>>and then activation listeners. Activation/Passivation is too expensive 
>>to do this frequently.
> See above.
>>I am interested in how others have resolved these problems, or have they 
>>been largely ignored in other implementations ?
>>In writing this I am beginning to think in the following way :
>>The spec resolves all of this by only allowing one 'active' copy of the 
>>session at any one time. I think that one way around these problems may 
>>be to assume that only one replicant at any one time is 'active'. 
>>Notification of change is only made on the 'active' session. The token 
>>designating 'activity' is passed around the cluster in the form of 
>>client requests. If we can avoid two requests accessing twin sessions on 
>>different nodes at the same time we can adhere to the spec's model of 
>>how  this should work. Session affinity will go most of the way to 
>>fulfilling this requirement, but there will be cases when it will fail. 
>>In these cases, behaviour will be unpredictable - can we prevent this ?
>>OK - I'm rambling, and it's past my bedtime.
>>Does this make any sense to anyone ?
> Jules, you always make sense. That's probably because you know your family until 
>1066 ;) You have one thousand year of short stories as a basis for your thinking ;)
> Cheers,
>                       Sacha
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