On Wed, 26 Jun 2002, David Jencks wrote:

> This may work fine for packages deployed by a deploymentScanner, but will
> work less well for packages deployed by directly calling
> MainDeployer.deploy.  Scanning for packages may not be the most useful
> deployment method... even though right now it is the easiest to use.
> What if we thought of the mbean server as  more or less a database of
> persistent objects, and the deploy/undeploy/redeploy operations using
> service.xml files as the insert/delete/update operations?  If you deployed
> a package, those mbeans would stay until you explicitly undeployed them,
> whether or not the *service.xml file was accessible on server restart.  My
> comments on persisting timestamps over server restarts were based on this
> idea and attempting to think of how the deployment scanner might work with
> it.

The registry of the MBean server is an MBean itself, and can be
persisted by configuring a persistence interceptor to its invocation
chain. Implement an interceptor that makes the persistence callbacks on
registerMBean() and unregisterMBean() calls. This will give you a
persisted state of the MBean server's registry.

The registry allows you to attach metadata for each entry in the registry.
Use this to store the URL to the MBeans management interface
definition, constructor signature and values used for creating
the MBean instance. This allows you to write a PM that persists the
registry in an MLET like file format, with the metadata (usual rules
about types needing string representation apply). You can recreate
the contents of a registry by adding an Mlet like MBean to the MBean
server at startup that points to this file.

-- Juha

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