Hi Matt,

Answers in line.

>From: "Matt Munz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RE: [JBoss-dev] creating persistent MBeans dynamically
>Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2002 11:08:40 -0400
>Juha & group,
>   It appears that there are two registries available in
>org.jboss.mx.server.registry.  org.jboss.mx.server.ServerConstants seems to
>indicate that org.jboss.mx.server.registry.BasicMBeanRegistry is the
>registry that is actually used.  Is this the registry that you refer to?
>What does org.jboss.mx.server.registry.JBossMBeanRegistry do -- is it being
>used in the server?

JBossMBeanRegistry is not currently used.
MBeanServer.registerMBean() invokes MBeanRegistry.registerMBean()
exposing the MBeanRegistry as an MBean has many advantages.

>   Also, I'd like to stay as spec-centric as possible.  I noticed that
>MBeanServer has a registerMBean() method.  Any reason not to use it?
>   Looking a little further at the spec and the implementation, I'm getting 
>bit confused, to be honest.  I suppose that I need to create a Model MBean
>using the createMBean() method on MBeanServer.  Then I suppose I would set
>the MBeanInfo (including persistence settings), and call register on the
>MBean.  The only problem here is that the createMBean() method has already
>registered the bean.
>   Does this mean that I am supposed to directly instantiate the Model 
>I got the impression that the server was supposed to provide the Model 
>implementation.  Am I missing something here?
>   Why isn't there a method createModelMBean(Object modelObject, MBeanInfo
>info) on MBeanServer?

You can construct/configure the RequiredModelMBean or the XMBean
and then register it.
The spec does not restrict you to a specific ModelMBean implementation.


>   - Matt
>-----Original Message-----
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
>Juha-P Lindfors
>Sent: Friday, September 27, 2002 11:05 PM
>To: JBoss Developers Group
>Subject: Re: [JBoss-dev] creating persistent MBeans dynamically
>make the mbean registry persistent (it's already an mbean) triggering
>store() on registerMBean() calls, and have your widget factory register
>mbeans using the registry mbean operation registerMBean(Object,
>ObjectName, Map) where you pass in the valueMap the additional info to
>store for recreating the mbeans (constructor signature, args, other config
>info). At registry load() read and recreate mbeans, and then mbeans each
>load() their state.
>-- Juha
>  On Fri, 27 Sep 2002, Matt Munz wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> >   I have two questions here, a specific one relating to the subject, and 
> > more general question pertaining to the larger problem that I'm trying 
> > solve.
> >
> >   First off, what is the best way to create new MBeans while the server 
> > running, in a persistent fashion?  Say, for example, I have a class
> > and a class WidgetFactory.  Suppose I create a WidgetFactoryMBean that 
> > method
> >
> > createNewWidget(String mbeanName, Object[] widgetFeatures);
> >
> >   that has the purpose of creating a new instance of Widget, wrapping it
> > a ModelMBean with the name <mbeanName>, and adding that mbean to the
> >
> >   If I use the mbean server API for this, then the new MBean is loaded 
> > the VM, but dissapears on server restart.
> >
> >   One solution for this, I imagine, would be, instead of using the mbean
> > server API, to actually write a *-service.xml file to the deploy folder
> > time createNewWidget() is called.  Another solution might be to maintain
> > references to the widgets in the widget factory, and serialize and load
> > through it. There are likely many more solutions.
> >
> >   Have any of you tried something like this before? Is there code that
> > this in the JBoss source tree?
> >
> >   Now for the more general question...
> >
> >   What I am trying to do is to allow dynamic generation of persistent
> > objects in the server.  These objects need to be exposed as web 
> > and have access to databases, other web services, and JMS topics.  As
> > instances of the same class, all of these ojects will have the same
> > interface, yet will have different state, and need to expose this 
> > the web service protocol.  Once I have created these instances, I don't
> > them to go away unless I specifically remove them.  If I restart the
> > they should show up again (technically different instances with 
> > state).
> >
> >   Ultimately, all I want to do is to say "create a widget named foo" via
> > services, restart the server, say "tell me something about the widget
> > foo" via web services, and get a response.
> >
> >   I know that there are many ways to skin a cat.  Is there a better way
> > here?  Would EJB or some other structure make more sense?  I am 
> > trying to stay away from EJB for the moment to avoid the overhead of RMI
> > don't need distributed objects), but I am open to any solution that 
> > sense.
> >
> >   - Matt
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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>Juha Lindfors
>Author of "JMX: Managing J2EE with Java Management Extensions"
>This sf.net email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek
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