I'm very interested in this login module. Can you supply it as a "patch" in the sourceforge tracker? Otherwise I may lose track of it before I can review and commit it.

Offhand it seems to me that the LoginModule should only work if the criteria was ByContainer. Are you calling ds.getConnection() or ds.getConnection(user, pw)? Can you check the code in XAManagedConnectionFactory.matchManagedConnection and BaseWrapperManagedConnectionFactory.getConnectionProperties to see if it is obvious why the match is failing? You might need to modify the OracleXAManagedConnectionFactory to provide more suitable matching behavior. (I'm looking at jboss head for these classes).

david jencks

Hi guys,

I wrote a login module specific for Oracle DataBase, that try to authenticate a user on Oracle DataSource and map Oracle Role on J2ee Role. I think it could be very interesting for guys that have jboss and Oracle together, because you could manage roles and user just in one enviroment.
I tried it on my enviroment and seems to work only if I set in Oracle-xa-service.xml

<attribute name="Criteria">ByApplication</attribute>

If I set it to ByContainer I get this error:

15:14:02,562 WARN  [JBossManagedConnectionPool] Destroying connection that could not be successfully matched: org.jboss.resource.adapter.jdbc.xa.oracle.XAOracleManagedConnection@462631

And connection still Opened on the DB.
Could you please explain me what's happen. Thank you in advance
BTW I attached my source, what about it? Couldn't it be useful for anyone?


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