
While I've not tried what you are asking about, JBoss (and any J2EE
server) will use a database via JDBC.  There are two main JDBC drivers
for MS SQL Server 2000 that I would recommend.  One is the DataDirect
JDBC driver (which is resold by Microsoft) and the Sprinta2000 or
Opta2000 driver from i-net software in Germany.  There are some
technical gotchas working with MS SQL Server (support for two-phase
commit via win32 but not via the network in version 7 - fixed in
2000).  The support team and news lists from the i-net software
site is excellent in describing these - but the latest versions
*should* work fine with SQL Server 2000.  The enterprise license
is less than 2k$ as well - DataDirect was alot more last time I

Link for i-net software is

Hope that helps...

And to the JBoss-dev list - jeez - way to shut down a newbie.
Here is someone in a Microsoft shop bringing in J2EE and
JBoss and not one message was helpful and a couple were downright
mean.  "No you are wrong" and "don't post here".  But you'll talk
about eclipse all day long and that is appropriate?

Ok, rant is over - hope this doesn't start a war.

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