Bugs item #840536, was opened at 2003-11-12 09:09
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by loubyansky
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Category: JBossCMP
Group: v3.2
Status: Open
>Resolution: Accepted
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Frank Langelage (lafr)
>Assigned to: Alexey Loubyansky (loubyansky)
Summary: Oracle 9iR2: same table in diff. schema

Initial Comment:
I recently switched my database from informix to oracle
and encountered some problems.

With informix, you have one instance and many separate
databases. Each datasource connects to exactly one
With oracle you have one instance and database objects
per user. You connect to the whole instance.

I use the feature of jboss to build database tables on
deployment, if they don't exist.
With oracle DB I got messages that some tables already
But this table exist for another user (schema), not for
the jboss user.

This leads to exceptions (Table does not exist) when an
foreign key constraint to this supposedly existing table.

Shouldn't jboss use the username of oracle-ds.xml as
schema for metadata access ?
If I set schema to "jboss" instead of null in
SQLUtil.tableExists(), the deployment and table
creation works fine.

RCS file:
retrieving revision
diff -r1.12.4.14 SQLUtil.java
<          String schema = null;
>          String schema = "JBOSS";

So, I think, schema should get the name of the database
user from oracle-ds.xml.

Oracle-ds.xml is attached.


>Comment By: Alexey Loubyansky (loubyansky)
Date: 2003-11-12 13:24

Logged In: YES 

It should.


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