Bill Burke wrote:

> I need to reread your question on oneway, but I thought it would be
> implemented outside of JBoss Remoting and within AOP interceptors.
> Bill

You're throwing me here.  I thought we wanted a oneway remote call that would
return immediately when hits the far side so don't the client thread does not
have to wait for all the server side processing when not expecting a return?
JBoss remoting in currently returns a value in the invoke() method, thus
client thread is blocked till server side processing completed.  Shouldn't
this be where we make the change?  Otherwise, each of the sub-system handlers
that sit on top of jboss remoting will have to have their own oneway
implementations and will incur all the overhead of the server side remoting

-- AOPHandler

Client --- ClientInvoker --- Transport ---[network]--- Transport ---
ServerInvoker --- JMXHandler


-- JMSHandler

So, what I am suggesting is that the oneway calls return as soon as they hit
the ServerInvoker (but after deserialization).  The request will still be
processed and forwarded onto the proper handler, but on a new thread.

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