We use http://wrapper.tanukisoftware.org/doc/english/ with JBoss on both Windows and Linux and it handles all of this out-of-the-box (restart failure, retry logic, etc.)

I would recommend it instead of rolling your own. They've even got a MBean for managing restarts, etc.

I'll be glad to contribute / patch our jboss startup/shutdown wrapper around ServerImpl that controls the service manager lifecycle if it would help.


Ivelin Ivanov wrote:

Very nice, Bill.

Email notifications when memoty is low will be very

Is there a CPU utilization monitor as well?

Scott and I talked some time ago about a heart watch
service which will restart the server when the memory
is too low or the CPU is pegged for too long.

Your work will be of help.

Do you have some thoughts what is an appropriate way
to restart the server. Not restart the JVM, but just
undeploy everything and deploy it again.


--- Jae Gangemi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

agreed - i can't wait to start playing w/ it.

any proposed ETA for 3.2.4?


-----Original Message-----


On Behalf Of Ben
Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2004 3:00 PM
Subject: RE: [JBoss-dev] New JBoss Monitoring

Well done Bill, this is good stuff:)

-----Original Message-----


On Behalf Of Bill
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2003 4:24 PM
To: Jboss-Dev; JBoss 2; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [JBoss-dev] New JBoss Monitoring services

This will be released in JBoss 3.2.4, but it is now
available in 3.2 branch: cvs checkout -r Branch_3_2 jboss-3.2

I've also attached some screen shots

JBoss Monitoring

In JBoss 3.2.4, we've implemented some new JMX MBean
monitoring and a nice GUI around this infrastructure as well as a way
to plug in how alerts are processed. Why didn't we use the JMX
Gauge and String monitors that come implemented with the JMX spec? 3

1. They are not integrated with our Service
2. They have no way of determining which monitors
have sent an alert and
are currently disabled because an alert was reached
3. They have no way
of reseting an alert

So, what infrastructure have we built? First let's
look at configuring a JMX MBean monitor through the plain old
-service.xml interface that you would to create any MBean.

All Monitors are MBeans that start a thread to watch
the values of another MBean's attribute. When a monitoring
threshold is reached, the MOnitor will send out an MBean Notification to a set
of registered listeners. Currently in JBoss, the are two types of
listeners, a dumb Console listener, and an Email listener which will
send out an email whenever an alert is received. Of course, the
messages are fully configurable.

Numeric Attribute Monitors
The first type of monitor is a
org.jboss.monitor.ThresholdMonitor that is used to track Numberic MBean attributes. Here is
an example configuration of a monitor of free available memory.
It will send a JMX

Notification when free memory goes below one
megabyte. The MBean it is watching over that has this particular stat is

File: FreeMemory_Monitor-service.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mbean code="org.jboss.monitor.ThresholdMonitor"
  <attribute name="MonitorName">FreeMemory


  <attribute name="Threshold">1000000</attribute>
  <attribute name="CompareTo">1</attribute>
  <attribute name="Period">1000</attribute>
  <attribute name="Enabled">true</attribute>





Let's walk through each attribute:


The display name in which this monitor will be shown
in the web-console.

If you create monitors by hand you can have it
managed by the web-console if you have one monitor defined in one
file only and the name of the file is the same name as the monitor and
the file lives in ./deploy/management/monitors/ So The above example
the filename should be FreeMemory_Monitor-service.xml, notice that
whitespace is substituted

with an '_' charater.




These are the MBean and the MBean attribute this
monitor will watch.  If

the MBean is a ServiceMBean then you should make
this a <depends optional-attribute> so that this monitor doesn't
start before the
watched MBean is loaded.

  <attribute name="Threshold">1000000</attribute>
  <attribute name="CompareTo">1</attribute>

The Threshold is the value threshold of the
attribute.  The CompareTo is

a numeric value, -1 means > (greater than), 0 means
= (equal), 1 means (less than). These are the same values used by Java
comparators. So in

this example, when the FreeMemory attribute is less
than 1000000 a JMX notification will be sent.

<attribute name="Period">1000</attribute>

The MBean creates a thread that will wake up every
so often to check the

threshold against the MBean attribute it is
watching.  The Period is the

time in milliseconds this thread will sleep.

<attribute name="Enabled">true</attribute>

Enabled determines whether or not this monitor
should actually monitor. It is the on/off switch of the monitor.






When the threshold is triggered, the Monitor will
send  JMX NOtification

to all registered listeners.  For this particular
MOnitor, a Console and

=== message truncated ===

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