1) BasicQueueParameters is where the configuration should go,
setup in org.jboss.mq.server.jmx.Queue

2) It is irrelevent for Topics. If a topic subscription has a selector, messages that
do not match the selector are dropped. BasicQueue (or its subclasses) are used for 
both Queues and Topic Subscriptions

3) Messages are "received" in 
receive() - for MessageReceiver.receive[NoWait]()
addReceiver() - for MessageListeners
internalAddMessage() - for MessageReceiver.receive() and MessageListeners
when no message was available at the time but they are prepared to wait

4) The "HashMap" should be maintained in internalAddMessage and you
can probably extend the meaning of clearEvent(Message) to 
tidyup(Message) for tidying it up the hash map along with any scheduled event.

5) What do you mean by reposted? The only complication you need to consider
is the RestoreMessageTask where a nacked message is setup for redelivery.
This changes some of properties which might be in the selector.

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