I have checked in naming/jbossbuild.xml.  I implemented rmic as Adrian 
described above with an "rmic" attribute on the source node in the component 
definition (in naming/jbossbuild.xml):

  |         <source id="main"
  |                rmic="**/NamingServer.class"
  |         >
  |            <include input="common-project"/>...

And I have a source node in tasks.xml's build targetdef which applies to 
sources with rmic defined:

  |      <source when="@{rmic}">
  |         <rmic base="@{output}"
  |               includes="@{rmic}"
  |             >...

However, when I run this, ant complians I have duplicate target definitions:

  | $ ant -f jbossbuild.xml
  | Buildfile: jbossbuild.xml
  | C:\projects\jboss-head\naming\jbossbuild.xml:77: Duplicate target: 

I expected the two targets to be concatenated instead of duplicated.  I have 
checked in my changes to tasks.xml, so the problem should be reproducible by 
adding the rmic attribute as described above.  

I think the issue is that SourceDefinition.generateTargets() is adding 
SourceDefinitionTargets for each dynamic type regardless if another target for 
that type is already defined.  Any pointers on this appreciated...

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