No arguments there.  I would agree that keeping the file structure the
same initially makes sense.   

The pom.xml for the testsuite would build all testsuite src as well as
creating the necessary jars for deployment.   

During the testing a phase, a custom test plugin could for each series
of tests broken up by server config:
1)  start the server/servers
2)  execute the tests
3)  stop the server/servers

After this has happened for each of the server configs, the reports
could compiled.

Ruel Loehr
JBoss QA
512-342-7840 ext 2011
Yahoo: ruelloehr
Skype: ruelloehr
AOL: dokoruel

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott M Stark 
Sent: Saturday, March 18, 2006 11:57 AM
Cc: QA
Subject: unit test structure chaos

The lack of correlation between a unit test in the jbossas/testsuite and
its associated deployment artifacts is rather severe. To pull together
everything in a given unit test currently requires:

1. Find the deployment artifacts in the test class
2. Look in testsuite/imports/sections/{org.jboss.test.package}-*.xml to
find how the deployment artifact is built.
3. Find the testsuite/src/resources/{org.jboss.test.package} resources
pulled in by the deployment ant fragment.

There is zero chance of this mapping to a structure mvn understands
since I can't. I can't find any docs on how a testsuite structure would
differ from any other mvn notion, so I guess this means a mvn pom.xml
per test artifact and associated test classes? Perhaps a unit test
plugin is in order as I don't see producing a canonical mvn structure
for the jbossas/testsuite happening anytime in the near future.

Scott Stark
VP Architecture & Technology
JBoss Inc.

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