over the last 1 month, I was involved in Jacc integration for the Portal project. I have taken this discussion into the forums at:

Please post your findings/concerns there (apart from this dev list).


Kabir Khan wrote:

What is happening is the TomcatDeployer ends up in
DelegatingPolicy.setInstance(), which caches the policy in the singleton.

A DelegatingPolicy instance is created for the JaccPolicyProvidet service
via its constructor, a proxy to which is created by the JaccSecurityService
as the arg for Policy.setPolicy(). This DelegatingPolicy instance is not set
as the DelegatingPolicy singleton.

The EJB 3 installation ends up in JaccPolicyProviderFactory. The
Policy.getPolicyCall() returns the installed proxy to the DelegatingPolicy
installed by the JaccPolicyProvider service. This has the wrong type and so
we call DelegatingPolicy.getInstance() and get the one cached in

One way to fix this would be to have an MBean wrapper for DelegatingPolicy
that gets hold of the underlying DelegatingPolicy via
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kabir Khan
Sent: 24 March 2006 18:31
To: 'Scott M Stark'; 'Bill Burke'
Cc: 'QA'; jboss-development@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [JBoss-dev] RE: JACC (ejb 3) - WAS RE: jboss-4.0-testsuite Build Completed With Testsuite Errors

Should ejb 3 be calling Policy.setPolicy()? The only place I can find this being called is in org,jboss.security.jacc.SecurityService.start() and stop().

I don't know if this is of any help, but what seems to happen on startup is:

1) TomcatDeployer deploys the http invoker, and calls the JBossPolicyConfigurationFactory. It's call to Policy.getPolicy() returns a PolicyFile and so it calls DelegatingPolicy.getInstance() which creates a new DelegatingPolicy.

2) The JaccPolicyProvider mbean starts up and creates another DelegatingPolicy, which is set as the policy using Policy.setPolicy() when the SecurityService starts.

Later, when deploying the jacc test the Policy.getPolicy() call returns a proxy for the policy created by the JaccPolicyProvider in 2). Since the proxy is not an instance of DelegatingPolicy, but wrapping the actual policy it calls DelegatingPolicy.getInstance(), this call does not create a new instance but returns the DelegatingPolicy set up by the TomcatDeployer in 1) to which permissions are added.

The JaccAuthorizationInterceptor calls Policy.getPolicy() and uses the policy from 2) which has no permissions.

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott M Stark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 24 March 2006 17:57
To: Kabir Khan; Bill Burke
Cc: QA; jboss-development@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: RE: JACC (ejb 3) - WAS RE: jboss-4.0-testsuite Build Completed With Testsuite Errors

What I'm looking for is what code is actually doing the Policy.setPolicy for the ejb3 configuration. The JaccHelper
does not
appear to be doing this. I can figure it out by working with the tests.

-----Original Message-----
From: Kabir Khan
Sent: Friday, March 24, 2006 8:29 AM
To: Scott M Stark; Bill Burke
Cc: QA; jboss-development@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: RE: JACC (ejb 3) - WAS RE: jboss-4.0-testsuite Build Completed With Testsuite Errors

I didn't commit the Policy.setPolicy() stuff if that's what
you mean.
Apart from that main work is being done in org.jboss.ejb3.security.JaccHelper and

If you want to run the test (currently only deploys in
Branch_4_0 due
to some problems with persistence.xml in my copy of head
at least):
$cd ejb3
$build.sh -f build-test.xml
$build.sh -f build-test.xml jacc-test

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