In general, I like the JFDI approach

But is better if the "I" is discussed before
the "D".

The only thing I find ambitious about this stuff
for JBoss5 is finding the time to work on it.

Spending time on prototypes that don't lead to
our stated goals is wasted time to me.

On Fri, 2006-04-28 at 08:12 -0400, Bill Burke wrote:
> Adrian Brock wrote:
> > Did I miss the discussion, roadmap, JIRA tasks 
> > on this "deployer prototype"?
> > 
> The MC/Deployers/Profile Service, well...seemed a bit ambitious.  Looks 
> like you guys needed a jump start.  I don't want Embedded EJB3 to wait 
> as long as MC/AOP waited for the JBossXB holy grail.
> You already saw my deployment post.
> > How does this relate to what we've already agreed
> > for the aspectized deployers? i.e. The VDF.
> > 
> Doesn't relate at all yet.  Just wanted to get something working then 
> incorporate other ideas.  See my forum post.
> > The aspectized deployers will be in a separate project
> > *NOT* the Microcontainer which is an IOC container
> > or more accurately a dependency state machine.
> > 
> Yeah, so?  Was more interested in getting something working than putting 
> it into the right module that may/may not exist.
> > Even the current microcontainer xml deployer will move to
> > that project.
> > 
> > In fact, I've already started my own prototype of an
> > "embedded" container that will based on the:
> > profile service 
> > +aspectized deployers
> > +microcontainer
> > +integration abstractions
> > +optional features like aop integration, alternate classloaders, etc.
> > 
> > But, it is currently fifth on the list of my priorities:
> > 1) MC/AOP integration
> > 2) JMX/MC integration in jboss-head
> > 3) Aspectized deployers in jboss-head
> > 4) Profile service (currently being prototyped by Scott)
> > 5) Embedded
> > 
> I did the embedded first, because, well, again, I have a need for it. 
> Also, our current experience writing a deployer framework is based on an 
> application server not on a classpath or embedded in Tomcat.  An 
> embedded prototype flushes out a few more requirements.
> You'll also need to understand that I had already worked out a lot of 
> issues in the E-EJB3 stuff.
> > Mind you, these priorties change every couple of months. :-)
> > Remember Tripoli or POJOServer?
> > 
> Which is why again, I think everything in JBoss 5 is a bit ambitious to 
> do all at once.  Its more important IMO to get somethign that works for 
> something real, then incorporate features like VDF, VFSCL, MC/AOP, 
> etc...  Most of this acronym soup isn't even started yet or is just 
> plain too immature.  I had already uncovered a few bugs and feature 
> issues with the VFS, I'm sure I'll be able to do the same with the rest 
> of the Alphabet Soup.
> Working on build failures now.
> Bill
> > On Fri, 2006-04-28 at 06:51 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > 
> >>View results here ->
> >>
> >>
> >>                             BUILD FAILED
> >>                              Ant Error
> >>Message: 
> >>/services/cruisecontrol/work/scripts/build-microcontainer-head-testsuite.xml:41:
> >> Exit code: 1 See compilejbosshead.log in Build Artifacts for details.
> >>                  Date of build: 04/28/2006 06:24:44
> >>                 Time to build: 25 minutes 34 seconds
> >>                  Last changed: 04/27/2006 19:45:34
> >>                  Last log entry: Deployer prototype
> >>
> >>
> > 
> > 
> >>           Unit Tests: (0)  Total Errors and Failures: (0) 
> >>                                   
> >>                                   
> >>
> >>                             Modifications
> >>                              since last
> >>                            build:  (first
> >>                              50 of 12) 
> >>                                 1.10
> >>                               modified
> >>                                 bill
> >>                           /build-test.xml
> >>                               Deployer
> >>                              prototype
> >>                                 1.24
> >>                               modified
> >>                                 bill
> >>                              /build.xml
> >>                               Deployer
> >>                              prototype
> >>                                 1.1
> >>                                added
> >>                                 bill
> >>          src/main/org/jboss/deployment/
> >>                               Deployer
> >>                              prototype
> >>                                 1.1
> >>                                added
> >>                                 bill
> >>        src/main/org/jboss/deployment/
> >>                               Deployer
> >>                              prototype
> >>                                 1.1
> >>                                added
> >>                                 bill
> >>         src/main/org/jboss/deployment/
> >>                               Deployer
> >>                              prototype
> >>                                 1.3
> >>                               modified
> >>                                 bill
> >>             src/main/org/jboss/vfs/spi/
> >>                               deployer
> >>                              prototype.
> >>                            added stuff to
> >>                              VFS to:1)
> >>                             allow you to
> >>                               get all
> >>                               children
> >>                             recursively
> >>                               from any
> >>                            VirtualFile2)
> >>                            Fix some bugs
> >>                               here and
> >>                                there.
> >>                                 1.1
> >>                                added
> >>                                 bill
> >>          src/main/org/jboss/vfs/spi/
> >>                               deployer
> >>                              prototype.
> >>                            added stuff to
> >>                              VFS to:1)
> >>                             allow you to
> >>                               get all
> >>                               children
> >>                             recursively
> >>                               from any
> >>                            VirtualFile2)
> >>                            Fix some bugs
> >>                               here and
> >>                                there.
> >>                                 1.4
> >>                               modified
> >>                                 bill
> >>              src/main/org/jboss/vfs/file/
> >>                               deployer
> >>                              prototype.
> >>                            added stuff to
> >>                              VFS to:1)
> >>                             allow you to
> >>                               get all
> >>                               children
> >>                             recursively
> >>                               from any
> >>                            VirtualFile2)
> >>                            Fix some bugs
> >>                               here and
> >>                                there.
> >>                                 1.4
> >>                               modified
> >>                                 bill
> >>            src/main/org/jboss/vfs/file/
> >>                               deployer
> >>                              prototype.
> >>                            added stuff to
> >>                              VFS to:1)
> >>                             allow you to
> >>                               get all
> >>                               children
> >>                             recursively
> >>                               from any
> >>                            VirtualFile2)
> >>                            Fix some bugs
> >>                               here and
> >>                                there.
> >>                                 1.3
> >>                               modified
> >>                                 bill
> >>            src/main/org/jboss/vfs/file/
> >>                               deployer
> >>                              prototype.
> >>                            added stuff to
> >>                              VFS to:1)
> >>                             allow you to
> >>                               get all
> >>                               children
> >>                             recursively
> >>                               from any
> >>                            VirtualFile2)
> >>                            Fix some bugs
> >>                               here and
> >>                                there.
> >>                                 1.5
> >>                               modified
> >>                                 bill
> >>               src/main/org/jboss/vfs/file/
> >>                               deployer
> >>                              prototype.
> >>                            added stuff to
> >>                              VFS to:1)
> >>                             allow you to
> >>                               get all
> >>                               children
> >>                             recursively
> >>                               from any
> >>                            VirtualFile2)
> >>                            Fix some bugs
> >>                               here and
> >>                                there.
> >>                                 1.4
> >>                               modified
> >>                                 bill
> >>         src/main/org/jboss/vfs/file/
> >>                               deployer
> >>                              prototype.
> >>                            added stuff to
> >>                              VFS to:1)
> >>                             allow you to
> >>                               get all
> >>                               children
> >>                             recursively
> >>                               from any
> >>                            VirtualFile2)
> >>                            Fix some bugs
> >>                               here and
> >>                                there.
> >>
Adrian Brock
Chief Scientist
JBoss Inc.

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