
I'm wondering, how I can write servlets, that work with secure beans exposed
with jBoss. I know how to authenticate users in order for them to use my
"secure" beans. The problem is that there are two types of security context
association on client side(I'm new to EJB security, so the term is not
correct probably):
* per VM - this one does not suit my needs, as I have to have same servlet
working under different user identities
* per thread - this one does not suit (seems like), as servlets are run in
different threads (thread pooling) (I don't want to use single-threaded

A somehow closely related other question is how do I correctly work with EJB
security from client in servlet mode. I know how to login using
LoginContext, but how do I process further requests from the same user -- I
suppose I should not authenticate the user once more. But how does jBoss
then know, which security context to accociate calls with?

Alexander Klyubin

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