On Wed, 31 Jan 2001, you wrote:
[snip what I said]
> And abstractly I got it already. I was serious when I said I couldn't start
> jBoss. Could you *please* tell me if a web server is indeed launched along
> with the servlet engine, or if something has yet to be configured for a web
> service to be ready for requests ?

I was really responding to your 'BTW', I guess.  To answer: I don't use tomcat
so I don't know if it works or not.  I use Jetty.  It's fast.  It doesn't have
the classloader bugs tomcat seems plagued with every time I go near it.  It ran
out-of-the-box for me on linux with jdk1.3 (I've since gone to more recent
source version of jboss, but it still all works).  I recommend using jetty.

> And, more precisely than my precedent message set it: is it possible to
> avoid using cookies with jboss ?

Ah, now that I don't think I can tell you.  It's not actually a jboss issue as
such; more a servlet container issue.

[A short skip through the source later]

Jetty only uses cookies for sessions.  I don't know about tomcat.  I can think
of two ways around this:

1)  Rewrite the Jetty session code to use URL rewriting instead of cookies (as
   suggested in the API doco for javax.servlet.http.HttpSession).  It's open
   source, so why not?  If you do, make it so you can choose which method,
   and then contribute it back to the maintainers.

2) Use URL rewriting or an authentication scheme to figure out which user is
   accessing the page, and maintain your own session-like information in a
   hashtable or something in your servlet.


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