this could be a following of a thread dated 01/02.
I had also some problems make running JDOM inside an EJB.
How i make finally work is :
1. Copy jdom.jar to lib/ext
2. extract from code
        DOMBuilder builder = new DOMBuilder();
// or   SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder();
            Document doc = builder.build(url);
// or       Document doc = builder.build(new File("/secureaction.xml"));
// NO!! } catch (JDOMException e){
        } catch (Exception e){
            throw new GeneralRemoteException("JDOMException"+e.toString());

Do not use JDOMException else it "does not work".
I take some hours to find that because the server log (console and file)
does not say ANYTHING.
Hope this can save other developer's hours.

For the reason of that, no idea, JDOMException is quite classic except that
it define a constructor with a Throwable, and a method getRootCause() to get
that Throwable :


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