I'm having trouble obtaining a reference to an EJB entity bean in a portlet.

The entity bean has successfully deployed and I've confirmed the JNDI name in 
the jmx-console (PersonBean).

I had first tried to obtain the reference through the EJB annotation, injecting 
it into the portlet as such:

  | public class ModifyPerson extends GenericPortlet {
  | @EJB(name="PersonBean")
  | private PersonLocal bean;
  | .
  | .
  | .
  | }
(PersonLocal is the local interface)

However, this did not appear to work as I got a NullPointerException when I 
tried to call any of its methods.

When that faied, I tried to do a JNDI lookup in the init() method:
  | public void inti() throws PortletException{
  |     try{
  |             InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
  |             bean = (PersonLocal) ctx.lookup("java:/env/comp/PersonBean");
  |     }catch(NamingException ex){
  |             throw new PortletException(ex.getMessage());
  |     }
  | }

The portlet instance did not appear to have thrown any exceptions when 
initializing, which I had thought was promising, but when I try to call any of 
the bean's methods, I still get the NullPointerException.

I am assuming this NullPointerException is the result of bean remaining as a 
null value as an actual reference to the bean is not obtained.

Any help in this matter will be greatly appreciated.

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