I read that Seam 1.1 will be included with JBAS 5.0

How will this be included?  Will it no longer be required to package seam in 
the ear?

Is it really going to be 1.1?  If so, why not 2.0?

How will this be integrated differently than the current 4.2.x setup?

See the following excerpt and link.

anonymous wrote : Early access version of the next generation JBoss AS is 
available now. JBoss AS 5 GA will be Java EE 5 certified and will include the 
following core technologies.
  |     * JBoss Microcontainer - POJO based microcontainer removing the 
dependency on JMX
  |     * EJB 3.0 - Fully certified as part of the Java EE 5 compliant JBoss AS 
  |     * Hibernate 3.2 - JPA certified
  |     * JBoss Messaging 1.2 - the next generation messaging platform from 
JBoss with HA features.
  |     * JBoss WebServices 2.0 - new custom built JAX-WS compliant WebServices 
  |     * JBoss Seam 1.1 - a powerful new application framework to build next 
generation Web 2.0 applications by unifying and integrating popular service 
oriented architecture (SOA) technologies


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