"beve" wrote : 
  | Is anyone aware of an example of a StructureDeployer that support 
subdeployments in this manner? Or is there another way to accomplish this?
There is DirectoryStructure which considers every directory as a potential 
location for sub-deployments.
It was developed to support old .sar/lib, but it's deprecated and commented out.
(still part of JBossAS, but left out on purpose)

I guess in your case it would be best to either have this new structure 
or force every .esb user to jboss-structure.xml.

Or, you can use StructureProcessor, which can modify structure info just before 
we pass it to real deployers.
See SeamTempModificationTypeMatcher in seam-int project:
(this is callback matched with the current default StructureProcessor impl)

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