"Wolfgang Knauf" wrote : Hi,
  | probably you will have to catch the exceptions which are thrown when 
calling "entityManager.persist(...)", and in some inner exception you should 
find the hibernate exceptions and perform the appropriate handling. 
  | Hope this helps
  | Wolfgang

Thank you very much Wolfgang for your post.
I'll try to explain my case in details.

I have session bean with some operation:

  | @Stateless
  | @Remote(ContractFasade.class)
  | public class ContractFasadeBean implements ContractFasade {
  |       @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED)
  |       public void createContract(some parameteres .... ) throws MyException{
  |             try{
  |                  // creating contract into my provisioning system (by WS 
  |                 //Creating some file into file system and so on.)
  |                  // then creating contract into my databse(in my case - 
  |                  oracleManager.persist(someEntity);
  |                  oracleManager.merge(someOtherEntity);
  |                 // make some other business logic
  |                 // also i tried to flush database, thought it can help to 
catch database exceptions.
  |                 oracleManager.flush(); 
  |             }
  |             catch(Exception e){ // catch any exceptions !!!!!!!
  |                     // i need this case !!!!!!!!!!!
  |                     // delete contract from my provisioning system.
  |             } 
  |       }
  | }

for some times may occurred hibernate exceptions for example :
and so on ...

It's impossible to handle this :(.

Exception occurred when CMT trying to commit database.
Is it possible to handle this ? or maybe I'm on wrong way and there is any 
other pattern for it ..
I can't find anything in the internet about it.

Thank you very much again.

Paata Lominadze.
Magticom LTD.

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