Arbi Sookazian [] created the 

"Launch config VM args keeps erasing my option"

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I am using the following VM args with JBT Version: 3.1.0.v201003050540R-H56-GA 
and JBoss AS 4.2.2.GA.

-noverify -javaagent: "C:\Program Files\ZeroTurnaround\JRebel\jrebel.jar" 
-Drebel.jboss_plugin=true -Drebel.allow_bytecode_proxy=true -Drebel.log=true 
-Drebel.log.file= "C:\Program Files\ZeroTurnaround\JRebel\jrebel.log”"JBossTools: JBoss 4.2 Runtime" -Xms256m -Xmx512m 
-XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000 

When I click apply, the "-Drebel.log=true" disappers.  Is this a JBT, Eclipse 
or JRebel problem?  Why would an option disapper when I click apply button?

Also, the save button is not enabled, as if it is auto-saving the new 
settings.  Should it do that?  I could have swore I used to have to manually 
save it myself.  see attachment for before/after pics.


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