
I have been trying to create a rss feed publishing things (new elements) along 
the line of the example in the jboss-seam blog example. For some very weird 
reason I am not able to get Seam to inject/unwrap when the rss news feed page 
is accessed.

my rss page looks something like this(rssNewsFeed.rss):
<rss version="0.91"
  |   xmlns:ui="http://java.sun.com/jsf/facelets";
  |   xmlns:h="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html";>
  |   <channel>
  |       <title>This is a RSS feed </title>
  |     <description>This is a description of  the rss feed</description>
  |     <language>en</language>
  |     <ui:repeat value="#{rssFeed.entries}" var="content">
  |     <item>
  |        <title>#{content.contentName.name}</title>
  |        <description>
  |           <h:outputText value="#{content.contentDescription.description}"/>
  |        </description>
  |     </item>
  |     </ui:repeat>
  |   </channel>
  | </rss>

with my manager component:

  | @Name("rssFeed")
  | @Scope(ScopeType.STATELESS)
  | public class RSSFeed {
  |         @In(create=true)
  |         RSS rssBean;
  |         private List<Content> entries;
  |         @Unwrap
  |         public RSSFeed  listAllNewContent() throws NAPPublicException{
  |                 entries = rssBean.listAllNewContent();
  |                 return this;
  |         }
  |         public List<Content> getEntries() {
  |                 return entries;
  |         }
  |         public void setEntries(List<Content> entries) {
  |                 this.entries = entries;
  |         }
  | }

I am able to subscribe to the rss feed using a normal aggregator, but for some 
reason when the page is accessed Seam does not intercept and outject/unwrap the 
RSSFeed component. 

Is there something else I must set to get the rss page populated (with the 
dynamic stuff) when it is accessed ? It is almost as if Seam/tomcat/jboss does 
not know it has to intercept and do its things when the page is retrieved.

I am sure it is something stupid (it is very similar to the blog example). Any 
suggestions would be appreciated.



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