jsteidl [https://community.jboss.org/people/jsteidl] created the discussion

"Re: JCA Spec violation using resource-adapter in JBoss 7?"

To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/802339#802339

Attached are the log summary (tempm.txt) and intermediate file (tempm.int) 
derived from the full logs included with post #18.

[Due to the test changes described by jleinawe, the attached log summary is a 
bit different than the one described in post #12.  It is now 
"xaResourceWrapper1" rather than "xaResourceWrapper2" that is being repeatedly 
'XAResource.start'ed and never 'XAResource.end'ed.  And the first xid where the 
transaction is committed without first ending the association is "xid1".]

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