Marcos Sousa [] created the 

"Custom JuelScriptEngine"

To view the discussion, visit:

This is a prodution problem. 

We copy paste the orginal JuelScriptEngine from jBPM, so we can create new 

We are getting issues in productions using decisions.

To reproduce the issue we create 2 threads  invoking startProcessInstante 
(after task we put decision) then we see what was happen in the code, surprised 
we found:
1. jBPM creates for those 2 threads our JuelExtendedScriptEngine
2. The ELContext creates 1 new JuelExtendedScriptEngine and use this for those 
2 threads - Why? How can I put ELContext to reuse the JuelExtendedScriptEngine 
created by jBPM?

I see that inside the JuelExtendedScriptEngine every value fits ok. But the 
evaluation of our new function instead of use the JuelExtendedScriptEngine 
previous created by jBPM it uses that one created by ELContext.

Remember that the code is the same as the original jBPM 4.3 JuelScriptEngine.

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