Thomas Setiabudi [] created 
the discussion

"Is it possible to specify the TaskForm as a property / input internal to the 
Process Definition instead of using separate file?"

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I am using JBPM5.4 Final, currently we use our own implementation of User 
Interface (UI), and then used the ftl file of process and task just to point to 
the UI's URL.

so for example, if I have process with ID: 
then the file "test.mytestProcess-taskform.ftl" will contain just the URL of my 
custom built User Interface.

My question is, instead of using file like "test.mytestProcess-taskform.ftl" to 
store the URL of my User Interface, can I just define the URL as an input in 
the process? for example process's metadata
While this can be done for Human Task with InputVariables, So far I did not 
find any way to do this for process form.

Any thoughts?

Thomas Setiabudi

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