darren hartford [https://community.jboss.org/people/dhartford] created the 

"hibernate IDE tools - jpa-ql auto-complete broken when formatted"

To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/826941#826941

Hi all,
Just trying out the hibernate tools for a JPA project, and just curious if this 
is expected or not when dealing with formatted (i.e. eclipse ctrl-shift-F) long 


        @NamedQuery(name ="mytestitem", query="select o from mycustomobject o 
where o.id = :id"}),

        @NamedQuery(name ="mytestitem2", query="select o from mycustomobject o" 
          + " where o.id = :id"})


The o. (ctrl-space, select id from pulldown)  works on the first mytestitem 
query, but the second one does not.

Tested on  Jboss Dev Studio 6.0.1.GA


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