micste [https://community.jboss.org/people/micste] created the discussion

"Programmatically add instance to multiple instances with reusable subprocess?"

To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/827122#827122

Using jBPM 5.4.
There is a main process with a multiple instances node which contains a 
reusable subprocess. The main process waits for all subprocesses to complete.
The subprocess contains a human task which allows interaction. What I like to 
do is to add programmatically a subprocess to the multiple instances in the 
main process while the main process waits for completion of all subprocesses so 
that the main process also waits for the completion of this newly created 
subprocess before going on.
I am able to start the new subprocess but how to let the main process know to 
wait for the completion of this subprocess, too?

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