Asheesh Patel [] created the 

"Facing Connection leak ( INACTIVE State) Problem - Jboss Portal 2.7.2"

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Hi All, 

I am seeing there are many connection in 'INACTIVE' state and are present for 
more than 12-15 hours. Most of the sessions (around 90%) have executed the 
below query to JBP_INSTANCE_PER_USER table before moving to inactive state 

Checked from last query executed from v$session table and prev_sql_id 

[org.hibernate.SQL] select persistent0_.PK as PK6_0_, persistent0_.INSTANCE_PK 
as INSTANCE2_6_0_, persistent0_.SER_STATE as SER3_6_0_, persistent0_.USER_ID as 
USER4_6_0_, persistent0_.PORTLET_REF as PORTLET5_6_0_ from 
JBP_INSTANCE_PER_USER persistent0_ where persistent0_.INSTANCE_PK=? and 

The open connection count is reaching to DB threshold value and the inactive 
sessions are not getting utilized for serving the new request and DB is 
creating the new connection. Also I have found the PortalDS connection is 
running out of connection while checking from JMX console. The in-use 
connection is touching the maximum connection count and available connection 
count to zero. 

We are using below environment for our application: 
*Application server:* Jboss Portal Application 2.7.2 
*OS:* Linux 

I also did the code review for connection leak, but seems the above query is 
getting executed by Jboss internally while user logs-in to application portal. 
Can anyone please help me out, if encountered the similar problem in Jboss 
portal application server. Let me know if need more information for issue. 

Asheesh Patel

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