
I am playing around with the Seam remoting. I am playing with the helloworld 
seam application:

I am attempting to pass a seam object (JavaBean) from the browser to the 
backend. When invoking the method with the parameter, the method is called, but 
the object is not populated with any values.

In short I have the following:
1. The Javabean:
  | public class Person  implements Serializable{
  |     Integer  id;
  |     String name;
  |     String surname;
  | //with getters and setters
  | }

2. The method definition in the interface (HelloLocal):
  | @WebRemote 
  |   public void   setPerson(String value, Person person);

3. The implementation (HelloAction):

  | public void  setPerson(String value, Person person) {
  |     System.out.println("Received value: " + value);
  |     System.out.println("Received from xhtml page " + person.getName() + " " 
+ person.getSurname());
  | }

4. My Javascript being called in the xhtml:

  |  function sayHello() {
  |       var p = Seam.Component.newInstance("person");
  |       p.setId(15);
  |       p.setName("from");
  |       p.setSurname("sayHello");
  |         Seam.Component.getInstance("helloAction").setPerson("from 
sayhello", p);
  |     }

When I invoke the sayHello javascript I see the following in the debug window:

  | Thu Jan 25 2007 13:44:32 GMT+0200 (SAST): Request packet:
  | <envelope><header><context></context></header><body><call 
component="helloAction" method="setPerson" id="1">
  | <params><param><str>dummyvalue</str></param><param><ref 
id="0"/></param></params><refs><ref id="0"><bean type="person">
  | <member name="id"><number>15</number></member>
  | <member name="name"><str>from</str></member>
  | <member name="surname"><str>sayHello</str></member>
  | </bean></ref></refs></call></body></envelope>

which is the correct values passed to the backend. Unfortunately the person 
object is not populated, while the string value is sent correctly. The result:

  | 3:57:37,988 INFO  [STDOUT] Received value: from sayhello
  | 13:57:37,990 INFO  [STDOUT] Received from xhtml page null null

Any suggestions as to why I am not able to send an object as paramter to the 
server?  Interestingly enough I am able to send a person object (created on the 
backend and returned with "public Person getPerson()" ) to the javascript.



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