"jnorris10" wrote : "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : There never have been specific 
installation instructions, you basically just use the new jars in the distro to 
overwrite the jars in your current distro.
  |   | 
  |   | May be a good idea to wiki-ise some of these steps though; let me know 
if you feel like doing this.
  |   | 
  |   | Re: compat, see the compat matrix on http://labs.jboss.org/jbosscache
  |   | 
  |   | 
  | I understand the sentiments of the poster above.  It is completely unclear 
how 1.4.1.SPx is installed.  Which libs should be copied and to where?  Many of 
the combinations I have tried have failed with various cryptic stack traces 
which seem to indicate version mismatches.

I found the magic jar combo :)

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