I have been on big quest as well to get this working. The documentation leaves 
a lot to be desired but here is what I did to get it working.

First a basic LDAP schema

  | # Base
  | dn: dc=foo,dc=bar
  | dc: foo
  | objectClass: top
  | objectClass: dcObject
  | objectClass: organization
  | o: Foo Bar
  | # Ldap admin user
  | dn: cn=admin, dc=foo,dc=bar
  | userPassword:: secret
  | description: LDAP administrator
  | objectClass: simpleSecurityObject
  | objectClass: organizationalRole
  | cn: admin
  | # People ou where we attach the users 
  | dn: ou=People, dc=foo,dc=bar
  | ou: People
  | objectClass: top
  | objectClass: organizationalUnit
  | # A basic inetOrgPerson
  | dn: cn=Test User,ou=People, dc=foo,dc=bar
  | sn: Test
  | userPassword:: secret
  | displayName: Test User
  | objectClass: top
  | objectClass: person
  | objectClass: organizationalPerson
  | objectClass: inetOrgPerson
  | uid: test
  | cn: Test User
  | # The ou where we attach roles/groups 
  | dn: ou=roles, dc=foo,dc=bar
  | ou: roles
  | objectClass: top
  | objectClass: organizationalUnit
  | # A test group member of roles ou
  | dn: cn=TestGroup,ou=roles, dc=foo,dc=bar
  | ou: TestGroup
  | objectClass: top
  | objectClass: groupOfUniqueNames
  | uniqueMember: cn=Test User,ou=People
  | cn: TestGroup

Now the importent part is of course the jboss-sso.sar/conf/sso.cfg.xml file. 
For the ldap schema above this would look like this:

  | <?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>
  | <jboss-sso>
  |     <identity-management>
  |                 <login>
  |                         <provider id="si:jboss-sso:ldap:login" 
  |                                 <property name="connectionURL"> 
  |                                 <property 
  |                                 <property name="password">secret</property>
  |                                 <!-- ou that contains all your 
inetOrgPersons -->
  |                                 <property 
  |                                 <!-- ou that contains your groups -->
  |                                 <property name="roleOu">roles</property>
  |                         </provider>
  |                 </login>
  |                 <!--login>
  |                         <provider id="si:jboss-sso:demo:login" 
  |                 </login-->
  |     </identity-management>
  |         <sso-processor>
  |                 <processor 
  |     <!-- Conf this to your sso jboss server -->
  |                         <property 
  |                 </processor>
  |         </sso-processor>
  | </jboss-sso>

Really importend here is to verify then you have set identityOU and roleOU to 
the right values. If there is an error here you will get "No such object" jdbc 
errors witch of course is an ldap error telling you it can't find the ou. I use 
openldap and set the loglevel property to 265, witch makes debuging jboss-sso a 
whole lot easier. 

If you tail the ldap log and start the sso service you should see jboss-sso 
connecting and scanning in the roles. If so and you can confirm the sso startup 
in the jboss server.log you are done.

Hope this helpt

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