
Using EJBs here is probably not the best way to go. Doing so will cause the 
container to create a lot of insert statements - too many to get the 
performance you want. If I'm wrong here, let me know.

I did something like this a couple of years ago with Oracle 8.1.6. If you don't 
care about all transactions a good way might be to create a data file (normally 
a comma seprataed flat file), which you later do an import on. Here you get 
performance, but if it is an good design. I don't think so. Good design and 
performance are often something that is hard to combine.

Another way is to create a stored procedure that you call when you have, let 
say 5000 records to insert.

One thing to think of is the data transport. Using Oracle from Java you go from 
client(s) to a java server, to PL/SQL to Oracle DB.

Kind Regards

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